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Posted By Admin on 03/04/18 - Bookmark Huge Cocks

If you’re looking for sex local action, it’s easy to get caught up in all the hype. It really is. I mean, there’s a lot of hype surrounding this kind of activity, check it our for yourself.

It’s kind of like going to the red-light section of Bangkok, Thailand or any other Southeast Asian country. You’ll see the barkers right up front, all the buildings are all fucked up with neon signs, there’s a lot of scantily clad chicks at the front of the bar, and then there’s all these big, overweight white guys in their 60’s or 70’s trawling around. I mean, it’s disgusting, it’s gross, it’s revolting. But it’s also effective because it all plays into the signs or the signals that need to be sent for people looking for a certain type of experience. I mean, it’s disgusting at some level or another, but it is also very effective because it fits a formula.

So I need you to think in these terms because you have to look for the formula. Because if you cannot identify the formula in what you do, you’re basically taking shots in the dark, rolling the dice, and crossing your fingers and hoping to get lucky.

Now, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that because guys do hit the bull’s eye from time to time, but believe me, if you were to focus more time on actually incorrectly and increasing your chances of success through statistical manipulation, you will get the experience you’re looking for. You no longer have to rely so much on getting lucky and things might actually start looking better for you.

You have to get the formula. You have to identify what works. Now, the key aspects of the formula, of course, involve your profile, selecting the right site and the right messaging platform. But it also involves what you choose to believe in. It also involves your self-esteem, your self-confidence and everything going on between your two ears.

Understand that success with sex is primarily 90% mental, emotional and spiritual and 10% physical. If you’re able to do this, then you can then focus on giving chicks the experience they’re looking for.

Blogged Under: Dating
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