When two chicks strikeout at the end of the night they go home and finish a bottle of wine before having mad passionate lesbian sex. For them it isn’t about being lesbian or bisexual. It is about sharing themselves with their friends fully. Guys don’t do that kind of shit. When we get home we would rather use a carrot scraper on our nostrils that have sex with each other. You want to share yourself with me? Fine. Put me in your will.
Instead of acting like a dumbass we load up Amateurmatch on our cell phones and hit up chicks for a late night booty call. Amateur Match is the premier source for late night hookups. You can always find some dumb bitch that is drunk and horny. My friends and I often call bitches up to come suck us both off at the same time.
Once I got this chick that was a nine on the model scale. I am talking she was a sweet piece of meat. My buddy Matt and I took turns with this bitch and then fucked her all over again in the shower. Matt even licked this bitches ass. She was that hot!
If you want to get into the big leagues of dating you need an agent that can hook you up with the hot babes in your area. Amateur Match is that agent!